After thinking about how our universe might work at the lowest level I got the idea that what we call “particles” are nothing but vortices in a frictionless fluid, so I made a simulation to test this idea.
So this is a simulation of an aether (1920×1080 grid; toroidal topology/wrapping) with an initial disturbance leading to the temporary creation of particles/anti-particles (aka vorticies), their annihilation and energy radiation. This pictures an intuitive solution to the wave/particle-duality, conversion between these 2 forms, why particles cannot be pinned down to an exact position (uncertainty), bremsstrahlung and a mechanism for “borrowing energy from empty space for brief periods of time”. Particles are accelerated/decelerated by waves of energy while repelling other particles and attracting their anti-particles.
The waves would actually travel at the speed of light, so this simulation is a super-slowmotion of what might actually happen at the smallest scale of our universe.
Colors and arrows indicate “direction of flow of free space”, brightness indicates pressure and white regions indicate vortex/particle centers.
« SparseAutoEncoder algorithm. Experimental 3D Aether Simulation »